Endless fields, majestic mountains, unique wildlife, world-famous landscape parks...This is our homeland, our Ukraine. The country where power meets beauty.
Mr. Yevgeny Khmara is a Ukrainian composer and virtuoso pianist, the owner of Hollywood Award Piano Improvisation, Yamaha Local Artist, Brand Face of Volvo in Ukraine
In August 2020 the Embassy launched online campaign “STUDY IN UKRAINE NOW: Ukrainian universities – definitely your educational destination” to provide Kuwaiti citizens with the most relevant and comprehensive information about the most prominent universities of Ukraine offering a wide variety of popular major and minor programs, specializations:
The international brand Fashion House VoleeYu is already 5 years old and more than 20 thematic collections have been made, each of which is not similar to the other, and many countries of the world have been conquered.
Collections of the fashion brand Fashion House VoleeYu were demonstrated in countries such as France, Italy, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Canada, Azerbaijan, Japan, China.
The brand is powerful in its potential, it also has branches: accessories of its own production, room decoration, as well as unique valuable accessories specially designed for the countries of the Middle East.
Future technologies available today.
Magic Innovations team's focus and specialization is architectural mapping, including shows on the largest structures in the world.
The 'magicians' create mindblowing 30 second intro shows for 10 minute blitz-conference on one project, alongside a 6-month permanent interactive installation on another.
Українська компанія "DLF Attorneys-at-law" - це команда фахівців, які консультують іноземні компанії з питань виходу на український ринок та з правових питань захисту інвестицій в Україні, а також надають юридичну підтримку клієнтам під час придбання підприємств та створення нових компаній в Україні. Корисні статті від "DLF Attorneys-at-law":